Our Princess PROMise...

At A Princess PROMise, we believe in giving back to our community and making a positive impact in the lives of others. That's why we have initiated a special program to donate gently used prom dresses to girls in need. We understand that not every young woman has the means to purchase a brand new dress for their prom night, and we want to ensure that every girl feels beautiful and confident on this special occasion.  We believe that everyone should feel like a princess!

Through our donation program, we collect gently used prom dresses and accessories from the Metro Detroit community. These dresses are carefully inspected to ensure that they are in excellent condition and then are donated to girls from our community.  We believe that every girl deserves to wear a dress that makes her feel like a princess, regardless of her financial circumstances.

During the 2024 Prom Season we collected over 150 dresses and suits and hope to do even more for the 2025 Prom Season.


Our Founder -  Isabella Mach

Isabella's love for fashion started when she was young. Growing up, she discovered a passion for helping others, leading to the creation of A Princess PROMise.  Helping young ladies have a magical Prom night, with a sparkle in their step, is like a dream that she is truly grateful for.